About Us


Compliance and integrity

As a responsible company, compliance for us means adherence to rules and conformity with regulations. These rules apply to all of us, regardless of our position or company. Each of us is responsible for complying with the relevant rules without exception.

Our Code of Conduct describes the values, basic rules and principles on the basis of which we deal with each other and conduct our business. They help us to implement compliance by describing the relevant regulations and highlighting potential areas of risk and conflict.

In addition, we attach great importance to integrity, which describes the consistency of the Code of Conduct with our own words and actions in order to actively promote the implementation of compliance. We demand this from our employees in a binding manner - in order to live compliance and integrity sustainably in everyday life.

You can find our Code of Conduct in the download area.

Whistleblowing system

Violations of laws and other basic regulations cannot be tolerated - without exception. It requires the attention and willingness of everyone to point out breaches of the rules if they have specific information. Our reporting system is available for this purpose.

Concerns can be reported to the whistleblower system, confidentially if desired - at any time. If you would like to make a report in this regard, please send it to the following contact:


Whistleblowing system: Demmel Whistleblowing system

Email: info@hinweisgeberexperte.de

Phone: 00498921527433



Compliance Beratung und Service GmbH
Maximilianstrasse 24
80539 München


Explainer video – Our whistleblowing system: